Eesti Uus Muusika™


From first getting introduced to producing music in 2013, Siimi has become one of the most prominent acts in the Estonian dance music scene.

Besides releasing music on NCS and CRUCAST, conquering the national Spotify charts and pulling in tens of millions of streams worldwide with songs such as “More Than Nothing”, “Zim Zimma” with Marcara and remixes of Nublu and Pluuto among many others, Siimi has established a massively successful signature event series and a monthly show on the national radio station Raadio2, both called “They Siimi Rollin’”.

In recent years, the 22-year-old musician has performed at countless festivals and the hottest venues in Estonia and abroad, sharing stage with artists like Bru-C, Holy Goof, TS7 and Tsuki just to name a few.

Consistently heading towards worldwide breakthrough, Siimi’s momentum really doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Come along and let’s roll into the next chapter!



Eesti artistide seast edetabeli positsioon

# 30


# 35


# 12


# 76


# 279

Raadio päev

# 271

Raadio nädal

# 281

Raadio kuu

# 238

Raadio kokku


Youtube ja Spotify nädala topis olevad laulud

Youtube nädalane top (May 26, 2022)

# Laul Vaateid
31 Paraadna (Siimi Remix) (feat. Nublu, Raul Ojamaa & gameboy tetris) 8,955
64 Armed and Loaded 6,486

Spotify nädalane top (May 26, 2022)

# Laul Vaateid
40 Zim Zimma 12,051

Raadio nädala mängimised

Kuupäev Raadio Artist Laul
Feb. 14, 2025, 6:05 p.m. RingFM Siimi x Kalevimehed Aurik Viljandist